26 Jul 14 Sales Strategies to Increase Sales and Revenue
Finding new people to buy your product or service is an important part of the entire sales process. It may be tough for some people, but if your goal is to increase sales then you need to figure out which sales strategy will be effective for your target customer.
Do you have a great product but aren’t gaining the right customers to buy it? That’s okay, these strategies will help.
Are you not sure how to approach your customers or have a confusing sales message? That’s okay, too. I’ll show you a few helpful tricks for that.
Use the following sales strategies, tips, and techniques to gain more of the right customers who WILL buy your products.
1) People Buy Benefits
People don’t buy products, they buy the results that product will give. Start your process of identifying your ideal customer by making a list of all of the benefits that your customer will enjoy by using your product or service.
2) Clearly Define Your Customer
Who is the person who would most likely to buy your product and buy it immediately? Create an avatar of that customer.
Ask Specific Questions
- How old are they?
- Are they male or female?
- Do they have children?
- How much money do they make?
- Do they have an education?
3) Identify the Problem Clearly
What kind of problem does your customer have that you can solve? If you have identified your customer correctly, these people will pay you to solve their problem.
- Sometimes the problems are obvious and clear.
- Sometimes the problems are not obvious, or unclear.
- Sometimes the problems do not exist for the customer. If the problem does not exist, the customer will not buy your product.
4) Develop Your Competitive Advantage
You define your competitive advantage, the reason for buying your products or services, in terms of the benefits, results or outcomes that your customer will enjoy from purchasing your product or service that they would not fully enjoy from purchasing the product or service of your competitor.
Focus on the benefits of what makes your product better than others.
5) Use Content and Social Media Marketing to Your Advantage
There are so many more ways to get your product to your customers than ever before. What’s the best part? They’re all free. You can use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and your blog to your advantage. By building relationships with your customers through these channels you can access more people than ever.
Some of the benefits of content marketing include:
- More access to qualified leads.
- More channels to sell your product.
- Lower costs to acquire customers.
Here is a graphic of how quickly data is generated across the internet. Take a look at social media websites. Wouldn’t it be amazing to leverage this audience? You can!
6) Sometimes, You Will Have to Cold Call
Cold calling potential prospects can be frustrating and hard. Whether you are doing it in person or on the phone, it is your job to warm up a potential customer. Especially if your product is new, you may have to generate interest by calling your customers.
7) Try the 100 Calls Method When You Start Selling
This is a method I developed when I first began selling to overcome fears of being rejected. Reach out to 100 customers as fast as you can. You don’t really care about your sales results, only the number of people you contact. You will become fearless when selling your product. You can read more about the 100 Calls Method from this blog where I go into detail.
8) Pick the Right Price
Do market research on your competitors to determine the right price. If you have a high-priced product, be prepared to over-deliver quality to your customers. Price can be determined by “perceived value” of your product. If you can make your product seem superior to your competitors, you can charge a higher price.
9) Learn Proper Negotiation Techniques
Skilled negotiators are usually quite concerned about finding a solution or an arrangement that is satisfactory to both parties.
They look for what are called “win-win” situations, where both parties are happy with the results of the negotiation.
The Best Negotiators Have These 3 Qualities
- They ask good questions to find out exactly what you need.
- They are patient.
- They are very well prepared.
10) Make Effective Presentations
In selling it is important to make a creative and compelling sales presentation to your customers. One of the many ways is to create an effective presentation by using PowerPoint.
11) Focus On Keeping Your Customer for Life
“Once a customer, always a customer.”
Once a customer has purchased your product, this should not be the end of your relationship with them. Focus on keeping a strong relationship with your customer. This will only create more trust and add value to your product.
12) Offer Potential Customers Something Really Great, for Free
Your ideal customer is far more likely to buy your product if you give them a preview to try out. Shoot a short video of your product in action, give them a free piece of really great content and get your customers excited for what’s next.
13) Give Your Customers the Inside Scoop
If you are going to have a sale on your product soon, tell your customers about it. They will be happy to hear about it, and it will build trust with them. They may even buy more because of it.
14) Your Sales Message Should Be Clear
Pick out one or two benefits of your products and state those clearly in the sales headline. Make it clear to your customers EXACTLY what your product is going to do for them. Be specific. If your product has multiple benefits, create sales messages for different customers that they can relate to.
What strategies have you implemented to increase your sales? Please share them in the comments.