05 Jan 5 Compulsory Quick And Easy Seo Habits For Your Website in 2021
Do you want to develop your SEO tactics and willingness to pass the needle any further for your companies and clients? And it’s time to dig up poor behaviours and start building new patterns – or developing established ones.
While we normally gravitate to particular areas of SEO (technical, on-page, off-page) centred on our preferences or familiarity, we generally cannot rely on SEO 100% of the time. Here’s how you can set up behaviours that enable you extend your SEO context-and content-driven reach without working twice as many hours!
- Deeper Analysis
The term “research” implies various things for different people. It also concerns keywords, competitors and links in our business. As SEO tends to concentrate more on the whole rather than on the granular information, good processes and habits for conducting research remain as relevant as ever.
While I have worked to pivot and use words like “audience” rather than “keyword” when it comes to my analysis processes at the front end of SEO projects, I feel that some of the deep insights into terms and issues come from concerted attempts to use tools and accessible data.
I use more tools, invest more time in SERPs, and concentrate on discovering opportunities to explain the audience in more depth than in the past, while not abandoning the ideals of old-school keyword analysis as well. We know we need to go further, but still bearing in mind that digging for that one long-tail keyword is short-sighted in the context-based age of SEO that we’re in.
- Measure More
I’m willing to bet that 9 out of 10 people in charge of SEO or clients would admit that we spend less time in Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other analytics tools than we wish.
The time is now to find ways to get numbers coming to you or dedicating time nearly daily to jumping into the numbers. The more time we spend in the data, the more we can measure, add custom dimensions, adjust attribution models, and find insights that we won’t get if we just drop in weekly or monthly to produce a report.
- Learn Daily
We have great go-to sources like Search Engine Journal to use when we need to find an answer or learn about what is happening in the SEO world. That isn’t enough!
With the speed of change in website technology, trends, and digital marketing, we have to find ways to learn daily. A great way to build this habit is finding ways to follow favorite industry sources and have the news come to you. I get my daily learning in through article feeds delivered by email and in social channels.
I have found that subscribing and following selectively in channels that aren’t as cluttered with noise helps me focus on the articles I need to see without having to go out to each of the sites individually – which won’t happen organically my day goes too fast for that kind of free time.
- Work Backwards
We’re getting better at this because we have to. SEO is part of the digital marketing mix and has a seat at the table. However, we’re competing against channels and noise about blockchain, AI, voice, chatbots, and more.
We have to stick to what our stakeholders care about – how search meets business goals. To make sure we’re on point, we have to start with business goals and work backwards to our metrics. When we start with our KPIs (e.g., rankings, average position, traffic) first, we lose the important message of sales, leads, revenue, and ROI that the C-suite and clients care most about and gain the opportunity to educate them along the way.
- Truly Focus on Context
If you’ve been in the SEO world for a long time or if you’re only doing it part-time as part of a broader role, plus a host of other reasons, it is easy to focus on old tactics or small updates. While I can speak to specific case studies of updates to a single tag and ranking improvements, they are rarer than in the past.
Getting context right and focusing on relevance and authority status for topics as a whole is critical to SEO success. If you’re stuck on old tactics or just dropping in from time to time to make small updates, you’re going to fight an uphill battle. Shifting to a context mindset is important and thinking with context first and keywords, technical, and links second will help drive the right priority in your SEO plan.
As a final point, be sure to stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the SEO community. This is more important than ever, with the growth of machine learning. Further improvements relevant to this can be anticipated as technology is further established. But keep tuned and be agile. In short, the strongest SEO habit is essentially to have meaning and significance. Forget exploiting the search engine (you won’t win). Do it with the user at the core of your mind, adopt best practise, and your 2021 SEO plan will be golden. But now start developing new routines. Fill out any holes you have in your experience or habits.