01 Dec 5 Ways to Make Sure Your Site Is SEO and User-Friendly Before You Optimize It!
Have you ever questioned why your website isn’t receiving any traffic? Or perhaps you are! But are they staying long enough to generate income or meet goals?
We have some basic ideas and strategies for every company owner to try before going too technical and optimizing for SEO (search engines)!
- Does your website’s initial page describe what/who you are?
On average, people will take little more than 5 seconds to decide whether or not to stay on your website. You have 5 seconds to answer the following questions:
What is your name?
On every page, your name should be easy to read and find (but only within the top header bar so visually they can see it no matter what page they are on)
What kind of product or service do you offer?
Visitors have gotten a bit sluggish in how they want information supplied; as a result, you must ensure that you spoon-feed information inside the first 5 seconds so that users can notice keywords that emphasize what your organization is and what it offers!
Without scrolling down the page, you should be able to determine what your firm is about by focusing on the very top area of the page where users would land.
- What is the aesthetic appearance of the page?
Users have grown more aware of bad-quality sites in an age where we all live and breathe technology. Here are a number more tips for making your page aesthetically appealing:
- Use photos that have been optimized (condensed in next-gen formats if possible to help page loading speed).
- Each page should include a strong, catchy, keyword-specific H1 tag.
- Keep paragraphs brief – Users may not always have the time to read an essay before becoming interested in a page.
- Keep the page space optimized – random huge empty spaces or spaces jam-packed with text can make a site appear spammy
- Is the navigation bar clear and optimized for keywords?
Your navigation bar should be the ultimate tool for consumers to utilize while searching for information on your website. They want to know what a page is about before they click on the next page link. You should do the following to improve your navigation menu:
- Use keywords that are only relevant to that page.
- Make each link title as brief as possible.
- Have the essential sites in the navigation bar or, if there are numerous, position them under a logical to the user journey title, such as “SEO Services,” which may include “Technical SEO Audits” and “Metadata Reviews.”
- Ensure that your site’s navigation is adequately optimized. This will have a huge impact on how people interact with your site and will always enhance user experience.
- Does each page target three to four distinct relevant keywords?
When creating, editing, or simply reviewing pages, it is critical to highlight the most relevant keywords for each page and target them specifically on each unique page – this can be difficult when you sell the same or very similar products and services, but in these cases, look to use different variations of longer tail keywords and target the highest keyword volume words on the most relevant highest traffic page.
There is no limit to how many or how few keywords you should use, however, we have discovered that the sweet spot for keyword utilization per page is 3-4, which helps to minimize spamming keywords on a page and keyword cannibalization (where keywords are trying to rank for different pages on the same site creating internal competition of page).
- Page Speed
This is a bit of a cliche in SEO, but your page should, first and foremost, load. Page speed analysis is how quickly the information on a page loads. Although you will need to dive a bit deeper to remedy these issues, it is worth checking to see how fast your pages load initially.
We recommend that you double-check;
– Does the page itself load quickly or slowly?
– Are there any photos or videos that do not load, take too long to load, or are broken?
– Does the website jiggle as it loads? – This is generally a mobile problem.
Mobile page speed and desktop page performance are radically different, with the desktop often loading faster. However, as technology advances and more people use mobile devices over laptops, we would always advocate prioritizing mobile over desktop while constantly striving to enhance both.
For more information about SEO Malaysia, please visit https://seo.ericanfly.com/