11 Feb Digital 2019 – Malaysia
All the data and trends you need to understand internet, social media, mobile. and e-commerce behaviours of Malaysian in 2019.
Note: this article contains a number of updates to statistics featured in the report above. Also note that some of our data providers have recently changed their reporting methodologies, so some of the figures we reference in this article will not be directly comparable to figures published in the report embedded above, especially for internet and social media users.
Ecommerce in Malaysia
Data from Statista’s Digital Market Outlook survey shows that Malaysians spent more than US$6 billion online in 2018, with purchases of consumer goods already outweighing spend on travel.
Malaysia’s online consumer goods category was worth a total of US$3.1 billion in 2018, accounting for 51 percent of total ecommerce spend.
Purchases of electronics made the greatest category contribution, at 27 percent of overall consumer goods spending. Fashion and beauty products weren’t far behind though, with annual spending of US$771 million accounting for a quarter of total online consumer goods market.
However, the average Malaysian ecommerce shopper spent just USD $159 on online consumer goods purchases in 2018 – significantly lower than the global average of USD $634.
Travel purchases are still an important component of Malaysia’s online economy though, with the country’s internet users spending more than US$2.7 billion on online travel purchases in 2018.
More than 26 million Malaysians use the internet today, and data from GlobalWebIndex shows that 80 percent of users between the ages of 16 and 64 are already shopping online.
Malaysians already spend considerably more on online purchases than many of their Southeast-Asian neighbours, but average ecommerce revenue per user (ARPU) in the country is still barely a quarter of the global average.
However, Malaysians’ ecommerce spending grew by 24 percent last year, and with the country’s government making the growth of the online economy a national priority, it’s likely that Malaysia will continue to enjoy strong growth in online shopping over the coming years.
You can explore the country’s broader digital landscape in our complete Digital 2019 Malaysia report below, but read on for a closer look at all the latest ecommerce data and insights.
Source: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2019-ecommerce-in-malaysia?rq=malaysia