01 Jan How to use seo on WordPress website?
Reasons to Learn SEO
As explained earlier, learning SEO is one of the mandatory things before starting to plunge into the world of blogs or websites.
Search engines, especially Google, currently have more than 90% of all Internet users in the world.
Moreover, now the internet has become one of the needs that can not be left out and everything is all online.
WordPress has become one of the easiest CMS to optimize for SEO needs.
There are many different types of WordPress SEO Plugins that Qwords friends can use to start the free version to the paid version.
In addition WordPress has advantages in ease of use, free, complete plugins and the availability of a large community.
So WordPress is the perfect platform to learn SEO for beginners.
Preparing to Learn WordPress SEO
Before boycotting the WordPress SEO learning guide, there are some preparations first before plunging directly into the world of SEO. Here are some preparations that should do:
1. Have a Domain Hosting
The first preparation is to already have a hosting domain, if you haven’t, please buy it first.
2. Already installed CMS WordPress
Why should you use WordPress? why not just use Blogspot which is free? The answer is because WordPress is one of the easiest CMS to optimize for SEO purposes.
3. Install SEO plugins
The SEO plugin that will be discussed in this WordPress SEO study guide uses Yoast SEO. If you don’t know, please read the discussion about How to Set Yoast SEO first.
Beginner WordPress SEO Learning Guide
If all of your preparations for learning SEO are complete, the next step is to practice SEO techniques. Please see the discussion below:
1. WordPress Permalink Settings
By default the default WordPress permalinks are not SEO Friendly, they are still too long and complicated.
While the permalinks that Google likes are permalinks that contain keywords in them, not ones that contain the date, month, year or post number. In order to produce a good permalink you have to change it with the structure of yourdomain.com/%postname%?.
For the settings, please go to the Settings menu > Permalink > Custom Structure and write as above.
2. Keyword Research
Before creating content you must do keyword research first. Keywords are one of the keys to bringing visitors to the website.
Choose keywords with low competition and are sought after by visitors.
By doing keyword research you can also do keyword mapping so that the On Page SEO on your website gets better.
To be able to do detailed keyword research, you must use SEO tools.
Recommended free SEO tools from us can use Ubersuggest, KeywordEverywhere, KWFinder and others.
3. Writing SEO Articles
After getting the right keywords for blog content, the next step is to write SEO Friendly articles.
The articles that Google likes are articles that have a complete discussion using the H1 heading for the title, H2 for the heading and H3 for the sub heading.
In laying out keywords, especially for derived keywords, they should be included in articles to further strengthen On Page SEO.
4. SEO Image Optimization
Images in WordPress posts can also rank on the first page of Google with SEO. The way you can maximize the Alternate Image or Alt Image on the image.
Write the Alt image with keywords that are relevant to the title of the article. In addition to the file name change it with a word that contains the search keyword.
5. Setting Backlinks
Backlinks in WordPress SEO are one of the most important things. For On Page you can do internal linking with other relevant articles.
Don’t forget to also provide a link to your website’s homepage to make it stronger.
The last backlink is from another website or blog by embedding a website link that you have so that it is better known by Google.
The better the Off Page backlink you use, the more the increase will be felt on the first page of Google.
6. Yoast SEO settings
There are several parts of Yoast SEO optimization that need to be considered as follows:
- Focus keyphrase, contains the main keywords from the research that we are aiming for.
- Slug, this slug contains the keywords in the postname permalink.
- Meta description, a brief explanation that contains an overview of the overall content of the content.
7. Insert Tags
The tag contains derived keywords and keywords that are still relevant from the main content title.
This tag function is to inform the content of the website, so the content must be adjusted to the title of the main content.
For how to search for tags, it is the same as keyword research that has been explained in the initial discussion.
The last step is to share on social media. Social media is now a contributor to traffic that should be considered.
You can do this by sharing to several social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and the like.
Apart from that, you can also use WordPress plugins such as Social Media Sharing Buttons.
Currently, SEO is one of the most important techniques in digital marketing strategy.
So as a WordPress user, especially for beginners, so that you can learn more about SEO techniques.
Don’t forget to always help the development of SEO because there are often updates, especially from Google.
Well, that’s the discussion about the WordPress SEO Learning Guide for Beginners.
It should also be noted that this SEO technique takes a long time but will last if it is finished