Which to choose between SEO & Google Search Ads?

In general, SEO is the process to get your website show up in Google search results page when someone searches on your products or services.  It is also called organic results. So, the higher the ranking usually will get the better traffic in Google. SEO will usually require 3 -6 months. Don’t want to wait so long? Looking for a priority lane?  Yes, you can jump the queue by using Google Search Ads (Paid Sponsored) where you can see your website almost instantly but costly.

✅  What is the difference?

When you key in keywords in Google, you will also see both SEO and Google Ads results on the same page. Thus, most of my clients will be confused about SEO and Google Search Ads. They can’t figure out the difference and the main objective of SEO and Google Search Ads. They are even using Google Keyword Planner to discuss with me about SEO keywords. I am always asking them, how do you want me to explain? From the angle of SEO or Google Ads as both are with different objectives and in fact they are complimenting each other.

✅  So which is the best to choose?

In short, I am telling clients that SEO is for long term & long lasting results and Google Ads is for instant results. SEO requires a lot of patience and it will take longer to establish trust with Google. If my client wants fast results, then I will recommend they go to Google Ads instead of SEO. Anyway, most of my clients will end up taking both SEO and Google Search Ads once they understand the true potential of SEO & Google Ads.

✅  What should you need to know?

Digital marketing like SEO & Google Ads is all about ROI. As experienced SEO Malaysia, we always need to find out what our clients are actually looking for. We also need to find out who their target B2B or B2C clients or even both. Next, are they ready? SEO & Google Ads are about content relevancy. We also need to make sure their website has sufficient compelling content to support their keywords.

✅  Next we will guide our clients on:

  • How to choose seo keywords to target the local market?
  • How to choose seo keywords to target the global market?
  • How to choose the right keywords for SEO & Google Ads?
  • Why are Keywords and website landing pages important?
  • Why did the industry leader (big player) miss the party?
  • What is the common mistake for SEO & Google Ads?

Do you need help?  Also want to get the best ROI? Are you still confused about SEO & Google Ads advertising?


Currently, we are offering special best value seo packages RM9,850/year for targeting 30 keywords where you can’t find anywhere in Malaysia in terms of yearly pricing, number of seo keywords, details reporting, competitors analytics, GMB and more. If you plan to run Google Ads, do claim RM1,500 FREE Google ads Credits from us 🙂


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