04 Nov On Page SEO Techniques
SEO On Page is an optimization effort that takes advantage of the application of the basics of SEO on a website page to increase visitors. The on-page SEO optimization process is carried out with internal optimization techniques such as creating quality content, themes that make SEO easy, internal links, utilizing plugins, and using keywords that are the main target of Google search.
By doing on-page SEO within a certain period of time it is hoped that the website will get a good position on the Google search page. The kinds of SEO On Page techniques are:
Use SEO friendly templates
The template design used by a website has an effect on the Google search engine. For this reason, use SEO friendly templates to make Google search easier and help the website get a good position in Google search. Templates don’t always have to look good and fancy even if they pay.
The Google search engine does not see whether a template is good or not, but it sees whether it is easy to crawl the Google search robot or not so that it is easy to place it on the main page of Google search. To facilitate Google propagation, use a very SEO friendly template to help the website get the best position on the search page.
Put keywords in the title and content
Keywords are the main component that is very important in on page SEO optimization. Using the right keywords will make the Google search engine like a website. The better the keywords you choose, the greater the chance for a website to get a position on the main pages of Google search.
The use of keywords on the Seo Services website depends on the techniques used by website managers. If the optimization technique is used correctly, the website will get the impact of the optimization that is carried out. However, if the techniques used are not correct, then SEO optimization takes longer and doesn’t even work.
For keyword optimization on website pages, it can be done by placing keywords correctly on the pages of the website. One of the right keyword placements is in the title. The title describes the overall content of the website. For that use keywords in the title so that Google searches can easily propagate and display them in search results pages.
Keyword placement can also be done on the main page of the content. The use of keywords on content pages is done by placing these keywords in important parts of the content itself. Targeted keyword placement with a certain pattern will make the website more popular with Google search pages.
Place the post title in front of the blog title
Placing the post title in front of the blog title will make the website preferred by the Google search engine. By placing the post title in front of the title in the meta description, it makes it easier for the Google search engine to propagate and make the website preferred by Google’s propagation robot. In addition, by placing the title in front of the website title, it will be easier to read by people who are looking for a particular page.
Install Meta Tags
Using the right meta description will make your website easily recognized by Google search engines. Meta descriptions serve to load website page descriptions so that they are easily recognized by Google search engines.
By using the right meta description and writing as much as possible in clear, easy to understand sentences, and containing keywords so that the meta description has the strength that makes the website preferred by Google search engines.
Speed up loading times
Website loading time is very important in making the website preferred by the Google search engine. With a short loading time it will make the website easy to compete in search engines because it can be accessed quickly by search engines.
If the loading time is long, besides being difficult to access by Google, it is also not liked by people because it takes time to wait for the page you are looking for. For that, try to speed up loading the website so that the Google search engine likes it and is liked by users.
Internal Link
Internal links are page links that are linked to the page itself. The use of internal links to make pages preferred by search engines and to make pages more structured and liked by users because it is easy to get relevant information on the website. The real purpose of using internal links is:
- Make navigation easier for visitors who need similar information.
- Forming a better website page structure.
- Distribute website authority to other pages on the website.
Image optimization
The use of images is also important so that visitors feel at home and continue reading our website. If visitors come and don’t feel at home, it will affect the bounce rate of the website. For that we need an image to make visitors linger on our website.
To make visitors feel at home, attractive and useful images are used. Thus, visitors feel at home for a long time and will come back again if they like the website and the content that we serve because it feels useful.
For more information about SEO Malaysia, please visit https://seo.ericanfly.com