29 Oct Getting to Know How SEO Works in Digital Marketing
A website without traffic is like having a house in the middle of the forest. No matter how good your home is, no one will come to visit. Likewise with a website, no matter how good the website content you create, without SEO can be useless.
That is the main reason why you should apply SEO techniques in digital marketing. This article will answer your questions about SEO in Digital Marketing.
SEO in digital marketing is actually nothing new. However, his name is increasing along with the awareness of business people about the customer acquisition budget which is increasing every year.
Using SEO techniques for a website can be considered as an investment. You will need to make a lot of adjustments in the beginning. But when done right, future results are clearly waiting for you. By applying SEO properly, what you have to offer will be easier to find and last longer in the front row of search engines.
The Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing
As we know, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a way of optimizing a website to bring in higher traffic. With SEO, your website content will be more easily found by others.
The keywords used in SEO will serve as a bridge between users and brands. If the keywords succeed in bringing your website to the top of the search engine rankings, then the SEO you are running is practically successful.
After the website is successfully ranked at the top, then a follow-up question arises: What is the role of SEO in digital marketing? And to what extent can SEO help?
Answering this question is actually quite easy. SEO will help you attract new customers. All you can do with a minimal budget, even tend to be almost free! You can expand the promotion while maintaining it for a long time.
As long as the content is not removed, the opportunity to bring in customers from SEO will continue to exist. The nature of SEO that tends to be evergreen will be very useful for digital marketing strategies. If potential customers continue to find your website, then sales opportunities and brand awareness will automatically increase.
Three SEO You Must Know!
After knowing the importance of SEO for digital marketing, there are important things that should not be missed, namely, the 3 pillars of SEO (technical SEO, on-site SEO and off-site SEO.). This pillar will later be the key to success in using SEO in digital marketing. Check out the full review below.
- Technical SEO
Technical SEO is a process designed to complete the optimization of your website so that it can be indexed by search engines without any problems. Technical SEO has nothing to do with the content or articles that you will write, but more on technical matters on the website.
The purpose of doing technical SEO is to avoid unpleasant things in the future, especially those related to the index. Usually, technical SEO activities will be carried out behind the scenes before the website is ready to launch.
- On-Site SEO
On-Site SEO is the process of applying SEO to the content section. The main focus of on site SEO is to ensure that the content created is relevant to the characteristics of the reader.
In On-Site SEO, the selection of appropriate keywords plays an important role. This can happen because it is these keywords that will determine whether the SEO strategy is successful. Therefore, make sure you choose the right keywords and write them in the right place.
On the website dashboard, there will usually be an SEO writing guide that you must fulfill. Like writing keywords in the title and first paragraph, the number of keywords that need to be raised and others.
In addition to keywords, On-Site SEO also includes managing URLs and images. These two things will greatly affect the time and whether or not the website loads. If the website requires loading too long, then most website visitors will choose to leave and choose a lighter website.
- Off-site SEO
Off-Site SEO is a way of increasing website traffic through links obtained from other content. Links can come from your website or other people’s websites. In SEO terms, this is more familiarly called outbound links and inbound links.
Outbound links come from articles on other people’s websites, while inbound links are links that are inserted from other articles that you create on your website. The purpose of using Off-Site SEO is to increase the credibility of the content you create.
As for the consideration of Off-Site SEO is the quality of the website quoted, not the quantity of links inserted. So you need to take into account that the references you use are credible and worthy of being used as references.
Understanding How Search Engines Work
When talking about SEO in digital marketing, it certainly cannot be separated from the so-called “search engine” or search engine. One of the keys to the success of the SEO strategy that you will use is to understand how the search engines themselves work.
Basically, search engines rely on an algorithm to determine which web pages will appear on the main page. This algorithm will select every keyword that appears and is adjusted to the related article.
The way search engines work can be categorized into at least three stages, namely, crawling, indexing and ranking. The following is a more detailed discussion of these three categories
- Crawl
Crawling can be considered as the discovery stage. This is the initial stage that aims to find the latest website content from various websites. After successfully found, the content will be recorded thoroughly by search engines.
The data is then recorded and will be displayed if someone writes certain keywords and is relevant to the content of the website.
If you include outbound or inbound links in the content, the referral links will automatically be reviewed in this crawling process.
- Indexing
The second stage is indexing. In this process the data collected during crawling will be sorted. In other words, this indexing process is a Quality Control process that will determine whether a website content will be worthy of publication or not.
There are several things that can cause website content to not be indexed, including:
- Content indicated plagiarism from certain websites
- Content is rated as not credible and is considered as spam
- There are no inbound links in the content created.
- Ranking
The third stage, as well as the most important stage is ranking or ranking. At the ranking stage, all incoming website content will be arranged based on reputation. The better the reputation, the higher the ranking obtained.
Only websites that are rated by search engines as having a good reputation will rank early in the search engines. This stage is closely related to the three of SEO mentioned earlier. This SEO will help the content to get a high ranking.
For more information about Malaysia SEO, please visit https://seo.ericanfly.com/