How Advertising On Google Ads Work

How Advertising On Google Ads Work

Knowing how advertising works on Google Ads is a good effort so that every ad you run, especially in implementing digital marketing strategies, is expected to increase the likelihood of conversions for your business, namely in the form of increased sales transactions.

In this discussion, we will share some insight into how Google Ads advertising works and what you can expect by advertising or conducting digital marketing campaigns on Google Ads.

How Google Ads Work

  • Remarketing

Remarketing, or remarketing, is a way to connect with potential customers who have interacted on your website or mobile app before but didn’t result in a conversion. To follow up on this, you need to strategically place your ads back with a more targeted audience. So, when potential customers who haven’t converted surf the internet, there’s a chance they’ll see your remarketing ad again.

Doing this remarketing can help increase brand awareness as well as remind customers of the existence of the brand, product or service that you provide. You can use the Google Display Network campaign type for remarketing.

Using the Google display network campaign type, you can target specific audiences or keywords, which can show ads on sites that potential customers browse. This Google display network will later work with the Google Search Network (search network) to display click orders on ads so that customers have the possibility to make purchases.

  •  Learn about Ad Rank and the Factors That Influence It

Being in the top four positions will be much better than being on the same page, but in the bottom position. This means that if an Ada ad is ranked at the very top, the audience will see the ad more easily when they search on Google pages.

This ad rank is a value generated by Google and is used to determine the position and validate your ad (whether or not your ad is eligible to display). Ad value is obtained after going through an auction process, which is the process of comparing your ad with other similar ads. The question now is, what factors affect ad rankings?

The factors that affect ad ranking are:

  • Bid Amount

Higher bidding means higher ranking. Because you’ve told Google the maximum amount you’ll be paid for each click on your ad. But of course, simply bidding high is not enough because there are other supporting factors that also influence advertising.

For example, when a competitor bids a much higher price, you still have the opportunity to win a higher position for a lower price, provided you are able to target relevant ad keywords.

In addition, Google’s ad and landing page quality will look at the suitability and usability of the linked ad and website, which is then summarized in a quality score.

  • Meet the Defined Minimum Value

Google sets a minimum value that must be met to ensure that the ads you post are of high quality.

  • Search Context

In the ad auction, context is very important because when Google calculates ad rank, it also pays attention to the search terms that your audience, location, device type, time of day, and so on relate to your ad.

  • Impact of Ad Extensions and Their Formats

Ad extensions are an option to add more detailed information in your ad, such as a phone number or a link that can link to your site. From here, Google Ads can predict whether the extensions and ad formats you use will affect ad performance or not.

Basically, the offer is not everything. Higher bids do have an effect so that you also rank higher than other ads. But, if you want first or second place, you need to keep all the factors listed above in mind. Your ad should have a high quality score, match contextual information, and a higher than average CTR.

  • Pay Attention to Quality Score

Quality score is a ranking from 1-10 (with ten being the best) in terms of the estimated quality of each ad, from ad text to keywords to landing pages. This is a general score to give you an idea of ​​how well your ads are working. Ads with a high quality score can get you a better ad position, but at a lower cost. Of course this is more profitable for your business digital marketing strategy.

You can see the score in the quality score column that you added to the report. A reported score of 1-10 includes expected click or impression rate, ad relevance as well as landing page quality.

Ad relevance can be seen by how specific your ad is to your bids and calls to action. If your ad says, “visit the store now,” but you only sell products online, then your ad’s relevance will be low. The same goes for landing pages. You can see if your landing page is communicating the same information as your ad? Same offer? Same keywords? Otherwise, your ad quality score may also be low.

The factors above are very important and you need to pay close attention to make Google Ads ads work optimally, so they can convert more users. 

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