Understand SEO Optimization with Keywords and Risks

Understand SEO Optimization with Keywords and Risks

You must understand how Google functions in order to understand search engine optimization (SEO). Many factors must be examined and comprehended in order for their website to constantly appear on the 1st ranking page of Google searches. On previous occasions, they have discussed meta titles and meta descriptions. One of the important things in SEO is the appearance of keywords on the website.

The reason why they have to come up with keywords is Google’s algorithm. Basically, Google search results are determined by robots. The top ranking (displayed on the first page or first row) will contain the most pertinent search results. Several variables, including the website’s age, the content of other sites that are comparable to it, and the computation of keyword density, determine whether something is relevant or not.

Keyword density means the percentage of keywords appearing on their website from the entire content. How to calculate the simple keyword density. First of all, identify the main keywords or phrases on their web page then count the number. Also, tally the number of words on the website. Then they just divide the number of keyword occurrences by the total number of words. Finally, multiply the quotient by 100%.

Actually, there are no standard rules for the appearance of keywords on the website. However, the occurrence of keywords should not be too little or too much. If too few keywords appear, it’s likely that Google will see your website as irrelevant for top search rankings. On the other hand, if there are too many of them, Google may think that we are violating the rules and are considered to be doing keyword stuffing.

Keyword stuffing means the practice of showing up keywords over and over again. This practice puts the website at risk of getting penalized by Google. Not only is it bad for breaking the rules but also bad in terms of content for ordinary users to read. Usually, people do keyword stuffing regardless of meaning or sentence structure. This makes internet users uninterested and reluctant to read the web page content. Therefore, it is better to bring up keywords as needed or with a keyword density count.

There are more complex ways to measure keyword density. For example with TF-IDF. TF-IDF stands for the term frequency–inverse document frequency. However, the calculation is quite complicated. For beginners, a simpler way can be an option. For example, by simply calculating the percentage only. However, there has never been a keyword density figure that is certain of what percentage it should be. In fact, in the latest news, many have found that keyword density no longer has any effect on SEO.

Expert services as an SEO service provider still takes into account keyword density as a factor in SEO optimization from many other factors that also influence it. Trial and experience will help to prioritize SEO efforts on certain factors that have the greatest impact according to existing conditions: competition, SEO goals, and your business resources.

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